To create “Patient-Centric" tertiary health care organization focused on best and nonintrusive quality care by utilizing “Leading Edge Technologies" with a human touch.
- Adhere to national and global standards in health care.
- Ensure care with integrity and ethics.
- Provide Quality healthcare to all Sections of Society.
- Excel in the delivery of specialized medical care supported by comprehensive research & education
- To work dedicatedly towards holistic and economical healthcare.
- Be the preferred choice for the world' s leading medical professionals and scientific minds
- Develop, apply, evaluate and share new medical and healthcare technology
- Be an active partner in local community initiatives and contribute to its well-being and development.
- Achieve professional excellence in delivering quality patient care.
Welcome To Shri JJT Naturopathy Centre
In the modern world of today, human beings are finding themselves being drawn towards technological advances, multiple forms of digital entertainment, and myriad other artificial comforts. This has led to moving away from nature and natural laws and consequently, the absence of self-healing and healthy living opportunities.
At Shri JJT Naturopathy Centre, we aim to promote a natural lifestyle in a natural environment. Our aim is to provide you the benefits of natural, non-invasive, and inexpensive healing techniques such as Yoga and Ayurveda at Shri JJT Naturopathy Centre.
List of students participating in Yoga certificate courses from the shri J J T University.
जरा, व्याधि एवं मृत्यू के प्रतिकों में संसार का दुःख जब-जब उभरा तब-तब प्राचीन ऋषियों ने करुणावश दुःख निवारण के उपाय खोज निकाले । चिकित्सकीय श्रेणी में आनेवाले कार्यों के अतिरिक्त शुद्ध और सात्विक आहार-विहार एवं विचार की सांस्कृतिक परंपरा का पुनर्गठन किया।उन्होंने मानव, समाज और प्रकृति के मध्य सह-अस्तित्व के संबंध को परिभाषित करते हुए, वैज्ञानिक आधार पर जीवन के शाश्वत मूल्यों की खोज की और मानव जीवन के साथ इसका समन्वय स्थापित कर विचार और व्यवहार की एक स्वस्थ परंपरा स्थापित करने का प्रयास किया ।